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Workshop One - Space, Consciousness, Existence


Space, Awareness + Existence: Basic Values + Tools of Existence to find Consciousness."

We use Sound to ascertain Space, Music as Cultural Motivation, Movement through dance and Role Play to create reaction to picture and word stimulus so we know each other. Our Individuality is found by understanding how we move, we develop Ceremony through being aware of Group Reaction, becoming aware of the animal in us and how it becomes aware of intelligence in nature by producing our senses to what is done in other parts of the "Creative Space" with its 12 areas of influence. This leads to Sense building up through knowledge of attraction and how the time of the elements work in and around us.

Meal Times


Lunch.... 13.00

Evening Meal... 18.30

We start each session with breathing exercises, music and movement to release the previous stress and create a "new" space. Then in each session I shall develop a new area of interest.

Evening Session....Sunday

- Sound (use cd with sounds), intoning + breathing to release stress
- Introducing ourselves.... speaking
- Discussion of life's influences.. environment, inner spirit, our bodies + emotions.
- Finding our boundaries.... Opposition-imagination. Feeling the "Rings around Ourselves".... we need others..... (do an exercise but do not give any info knowledge.. let it happen)...

1.Explanation of Values of Existence
- Universal values as foundation...Lay the 12 cards out around the room and explore the room
- How space is divided; heavens and perspectives i.e. cosmos-nature-building- man.
- Between day + night + transforming moments we recognise Souls, Senses and Time Values.
- The areas which form consciousness (go to the sides of the room, move to the middle and slowly move to the side); understanding quietness, picking up signs of Imagination or Opposition.
- How pure space is formed and what it does to our personalities; Universal System (Aware of the Cosmos). Where it is found (Head in the clouds). How we can use it; checking the world around ie telepathy. We should note the balance of mind and body depends on the reaction to speed of sound and its height (octave).
- The effect of climate and weather are fundamental. It is the reaction to the elements, water, fire, air and earth. It produces fashion and necessity and leads to the Culture Body-Pivot System. It is the roots of our senses and so our various loves. (Place what you like + love in a "special" place and then leave it .. see how the room plays.)

1A. Evening....
Play instruments ... moving round room, being aware of ourselves
- Experiment with the different sounds on the 12 cards round the room.
- Note the resonant effects of spaces..... use Hexagon + Meditation Room and garden in between.
- Listen to music in one space and then go into the area where the sound is coming from.... come away go back again (Have different music playing in different areas.....
- Feel the effect of the light change ..... do you have to grab or loose something?.. what?


2.Personal Interest how to combine the different areas to our own sensitivity.
Show how to discover personal meditations... (2 hours)..The two cycles necessary; "The Therapy Cycle" (East)...places in the universal space, calling up Self, Ego + I, with light, sound + music (back to dreams + life-death balance), breathing + Pranayama, slowing down life and movement. "The Creative Cycle" (West).... the Holy + holistic space to heighten the personality..... back to the church.... the special purpose...

Late morning + early afternoon...
3. Combination of each sound quality in all the musical keys to produce consciousness. We hear certain sounds then we react but each person is different. Combines with previous evenings experience + the last session. Look at the A.I.R.+ C.I.T.C display....
- Use your meditation of the time + space for 10 minutes....
- We go to "our" chosen place then make sound and after hearing sound. Then find another space or stay. Note your feelings and wishes....
- We shall make the sound of each symbolic; planetary value on the sheet where you are! Note effect to discuss. Move if you wish and see how the sound changes as you find your new space.
Discussion of the effects of the outside and inside nature of the world around and what effect this has on us.
- We shall listen to various forms of music; classical, church, folk, beat and rock, avant-guard and new age-meditation. We shall see the effect this has on us and become aware of our changed feelings how we feel; frustrated, relaxed or we do not know. Do we wish to release or refine these feelings.. use space and meditation - transformation - dream.

4..Afternoon visit to churches + town .
This enables us to come to terms with our social spatial reality. Go to the church, the Market Place and lake side, take a coffee (if liked). Walk round the town and discuss the use of space.. light and space, architecture etc....... line and circle. Real or symbolic etc....

5. Light games + role playing.... in direction real enjoyment...
- We shall role play various things like greeting each other, learning about each other, family forthrightness and being nice.
- We shall spend some time here talking and discussing how to inform, keep interest, be happily creative but be in command.
What has to be watched in human beings and why. Why the group and the individual matters and how we can keep both aware and in play by knowing space... ie Spacial games.. one group makes a defense of their space and another tries to get over a certain line.. passively and actively...

Divide the room into light and dark areas and play a simple game and see who chooses which side and why.....

Wednesday...... morning.

6.Developing Ceremonies and Making them Real. "The Art of Living".

Use the front cover of the program.. ... and write down the symbols in the room on a paper for yourselves.... use my appendix (the art work etc) to see the different sittings of people, their professions and jobs and how space is designed with light and colour....
- Finding the places of energy influence when we have no markers and cards! We need a team here maybe or it will not happen so easily.. try it alone and then in groups.....

- Use the following tools... We should get to know ELEMENTS; fire, water, air and earth again through their real value and follow them back to their roots and see how they come up again in our emotions. (Use candles, pool, terrace and woods).. Produce something in each element to make it come alive!
How each person deals with each element in a different way according to the relationship between "spirit, space + experience". Use favourite clothes and articles etc here as you wish. (To start with draw or write or set up a game or plan alone or in groups)... We are aiming to reduce Chaos in nature and so in us! See how each of us used natural free space and buildings differently. What about meditation, music and art to help....

- The ground base of consciousness is nature and putting it together intelligently in different spaces for different uses. First in "Survival values" within the food chain, clothing, housing. These values come from the past. (Present richness or poverty relate to the past as each space and cosmical change releases a message)

Discuss what you have built within the contents of the feelings of society where experiences of poverty and survival work dramatically. They are found either still in the human cell or the human memory. Can we use "Intelligent Space because we understand what nature is telling us to byepass these feelings because poverty is a feeling that we have over used spacial nature's signal (walked off the edge of the earth).

Let us play certain role playing roles; dreamtime - job - relationships.... using the sound of each space in our background and noting the effect it has on us. (Concentrate on jobs and relationship in your life). What can we really stand and how do others grow protective mechanisms around themselves to control reaction. Are these the natural static lines joining the consciousnesses so they can be in control if the creativity and work is natural? (Read out from Appendix the effects of the Consciousnesses)...
- How do we make a conscious mechanism so we can go from one area to another? eg:Work to family, personal development to hobbies.

Memory helpers - Nature and human made space can be shaped to allow transitions. (Quiet areas of protection).... This is by collecting thought, sound, music and space resonance and placing them into consciousnesses order in our mind.
- Death of Elements and the reseeding process in the Personality... don't worry be happy (a bliss happiness please)... Protecting ourselves from within and outside with memory and know what the Universal Seed really is.

7. Free time and Personal sessions.. therapy sessions etc....

8. Playing music, concert.. Art + drawing.....

Thursday.. morning.
9.Use of Time Dimensions, Values and Sources, Heavens and the Energy we can Muster to bring cycles into action.
Playing Music...

- The old Indian magic.... - Major to minor in music.. - Awareness - Information - Response..... How to trigger off the A.I.R mechanism... e.g. Seeing, meditating + relaxing, music + feeling...

Listening and dancing to music....
- Take a partner or two; Sharing Time to make nature and the elements intelligent.... ending the Life's stage...(starting the Static Lines)... Follow through the following; being born, dancing, emotions, gestures, astral, higher realisation of Souls clothing themselves.

Feeling and Seeing + Touching + Tasting... "active meditation"
- Finding the Energy factors and clothing them so they will work. (End of the Static Lines).....Senses being aware.. nature's end...

Using dance again but now to feel the balance between balance, meditation, life and death....
- How and Where is Intelligence really found... (higher resonance in the mind)....T.C. to C.C... reading the "Socio-personal and Esoteric Pyramids"......
- How to break out by bringing the whole structure down to our lives and so smaller societies.
Knowing gradual movement with the senses moving to those real signals in nature.... (Opposition or Imagination) come close to others and then go away.. what do you feel and what is taken away by you?
- How to increase our depth.. reading "Doppler Rings" ie Consciousness Rings around people and even ourselves.... we need others to read ourselves?!
- How go to a corner and on a piece of paper graphically draw what you have felt.. you can use colour if you wish!
- See how the "Time Values" cause the Prime Quantum to revolve into Senses with direction in nature to react... how is your karma?....

Thursday evening + Friday morning......

10. Discussion with examples and games + art work ideas and making Music......
"Sharing, Creating, Balancing + not playing with Time....... Love and hate, nothing...
These final sessions will be capped off by everyone bringing something they would like to share in the group to see how the different levels of the consciousnesses are at work and we should grow on what we do know rather than be so scared by what we do not know about society and the law, survival areas like food, clothing and housing. Once a scaredness gets loose in society mentally there is no saying what damage it can do. Likewise when a great joy is born in a group then we know it can cause great openness and happiness. We have to learn how to melt the scaredness and bring the momentary happiness into the real values of sharing time and energy and not trying to take advantage by being made happy or being negative when life and creativity does not work.

REVISED VERSION.. only 3 days without personal sessions and drawing and music
We start each session
with breathing exercises, music and movement to release the previous stress and create a "new" space. Then in each session I shall develop a new area of interest.


- Sound (use cd with sounds), intoning + breathing to release stress
- Introducing ourselves.... speaking
- Discussion of life's influences.. environment, inner spirit, our bodies + emotions.
- Finding our boundaries.... Opposition-imagination. Feeling the "Rings around Ourselves".... we need others..... (do an exercise but do not give any info knowledge.. let it happen)...

1.Explanation of Values of Existence
- Universal values as foundation...Lay the 12 cards out around the room and explore the room
- How space is divided; heavens and perspectives ie cosmos-nature-building- man.
- Between day + night + transforming moments we recognise Souls, Senses and Time Values.
- The areas which form consciousness (go to the sides of the room, move to the middle and slowly move to the side); understanding quietness, picking up signs of Imagination or Opposition.
- How pure space is formed and what it does to our personalities; Universal System (Aware of the Cosmos). Where it is found (Head in the clouds). How we can use it; checking the world around ie telepathy. We should note the balance of mind and body depends on the reaction to speed of sound and its height (octave).
- The effect of climate and weather are fundamental. It is the reaction to the elements, water, fire, air and earth. It produces fashion and necessity and leads to the Culture Body-Pivot System. It is the roots of our senses and so our various loves. (Place what you like + love in a "special" place and then leave it .. see how the room plays.)

1A. Evening....
Play instruments ... moving round room, being aware of ourselves
- Experiment with the different sounds on the 12 cards round the room.
- Note the resonant effects of spaces..... use Hexagon + Meditation Room and garden in between.
- Listen to music in one space and then go into the area where the sound is coming from.... come away go back again (Have different music playing in different areas.....
- Feel the effect of the light change ..... do you have to grab or loose something?.. what?


2.Personal Interest how to combine the different areas to our own sensitivity.
Show how to discover personal meditations... (2 hours)..The two cycles necessary; "The Therapy Cycle" (East)...places in the universal space, calling up Self, Ego + I, with light, sound + music (back to dreams + life-death balance), breathing + Pranayama, slowing down life and movement. "The Creative Cycle" (West).... the Holy + holistic space to heighten the personality..... back to the church.... the special purpose...

3. Combination of each sound quality in all the musical keys to produce consciousness.
We hear certain sounds then we react but each person is different. Combines with previous evenings experience + the last session. Look at the A.I.R.+ C.I.T.C display....
- Use your meditation of the time + space for 10 minutes....
- We go to "our" chosen place then make sound and after hearing sound. Then find another space or stay. Note your feelings and wishes....
- We shall make the sound of each symbolic; planetary value on the sheet where you are! Note effect to discuss. Move if you wish and see how the sound changes as you find your new space.
Discussion of the effects of the outside and inside nature of the world around and what effect this has on us.
- We shall listen to various forms of music; classical, church, folk, beat and rock, avant-guard and new age-meditation. We shall see the effect this has on us and become aware of our changed feelings how we feel; frustrated, relaxed or we do not know. Do we wish to release or refine these feelings.. use space and meditation - transformation - dream.

4..Afternoon visit to churches + town of Orta.

This enables us to come to terms with our social spatial reality. Go to the church, the Market Place and lake side, take a coffee (if liked). Walk round the town and discuss the use of space.. light and space, architecture etc....... line and circle. Real or symbolic etc....

5. Light games + role playing.... in direction real enjoyment...

- We shall role play various things like greeting each other, learning about each other, family forthrightness and being nice.
- We shall spend some time here talking and discussing how to inform, keep interest, be happily creative but be in command.
What has to be watched in human beings and why. Why the group and the individual matters and how we can keep both aware and in play by knowing space... ie Spacial games.. one group makes a defense of their space and another tries to get over a certain line.. passively and actively...

Divide the room into light and dark areas and play a simple game and see who chooses which side and why.....

6.Developing Ceremonies and Making them Real. "The Art of Living".

Use the front cover of the program.. ... and write down the symbols in the room on a paper for yourselves.... use my appendix (the art work etc) to see the different sittings of people, their professions and jobs and how space is designed with light and colour....
- Finding the places of energy influence when we have no markers and cards! We need a team here maybe or it will not happen so easily.. try it alone and then in groups.....

- Use the following tools... We should get to know ELEMENTS; fire, water, air and earth again through their real value and follow them back to their roots and see how they come up again in our emotions. (Use candles, pool, terrace and woods).. Produce something in each element to make it come alive!
How each person deals with each element in a different way according to the relationship between "spirit, space + experience". Use favourite clothes and articles etc here as you wish. (To start with draw or write or set up a game or plan alone or in groups)... We are aiming to reduce Chaos in nature and so in us! See how each of us used natural free space and buildings differently. What about meditation, music and art to help....

- The ground base of consciousness is nature and putting it together intelligently in different spaces for different uses. First in "Survival values" within the food chain, clothing, housing. These values come from the past. (Present richness or poverty relate to the past as each space and cosmical change releases a message)

Discuss what you have built within the contents of the feelings of society where experiences of poverty and survival work dramatically. They are found either still in the human cell or the human memory. Can we use "Intelligent Space because we understand what nature is telling us to bypass these feelings because poverty is a feeling that we have over used spatial nature's signal (walked off the edge of the earth).

Let us play certain role playing roles; dream time- job + relationships... using the sound of each space in our background and noting the effect it has on us. What can we really stand and how do others grow protective mechanisms around themselves to control reaction. Are these the natural static lines joining the consciousnesses so they can be in control if the creativity and work is natural? (Read out from Appendix the effects of the Consciousnesses)...
- How do we make a conscious mechanism so we can go from one area to another? e.g.: Work to family, personal development to hobbies.

Memory helpers - Nature and human made space can be shaped to allow transitions. (Quiet areas of protection).... This is by collecting thought, sound, music and space resonance and placing them into consciousnesses order in our mind.
- Death of Elements and the reseeding process in the Personality... don't worry be happy (a bliss happiness please)... Protecting ourselves from within and outside with memory and know what the Universal Seed really is.

7.Use of Time Dimensions, Values and Sources, Heavens and the Energy we can Muster to bring cycles into action.
Playing Music...

- The old Indian magic.... - Major to minor in music.. - Awareness - Information - Response..... How to trigger off the A.I.R mechanism... e.g. Seeing, meditating + relaxing, music + feeling...

Listening and dancing to music....
- Take a partner or two; Sharing Time to make nature and the elements intelligent.... ending the Life's stage...(starting the Static Lines)... Follow through the following; being born, dancing, emotions, gestures, astral, higher realisation of Souls clothing themselves.

Feeling and Seeing + Touching + Tasting... "active meditation"
- Finding the Energy factors and clothing them so they will work. (End of the Static Lines).....Senses being aware.. nature's end...

Using dance again but now to feel the balance between balance, meditation, life and death....
- How and Where is Intelligence really found... (higher resonance in the mind)....T.C. to C.C... reading the "Socio-personal and Esoteric Pyramids"......
- How to break out by bringing the whole structure down to our lives and so smaller societies.
Knowing gradual movement with the senses moving to those real signals in nature.... (Opposition or Imagination) come close to others and then go away.. what do you feel and what is taken away by you?
- How to increase our depth.. reading "Doppler Rings" i.e. Consciousness Rings around people and even ourselves.... we need others to read ourselves?!
- How go to a corner and on a piece of paper graphically draw what you have felt.. you can use colour if you wish!
- See how the "Time Values" cause the Prime Quantum to revolve into Senses with direction in nature to react... how is your karma?....

8. Discussion with examples and games + art work ideas and making Music......
"Sharing, Creating, Balancing + not playing with Time....... Love and hate, nothing...
These final sessions will be capped off by everyone bringing something they would like to share in the group to see how the different levels of the consciousnesses are at work and we should grow on what we do know rather than be so scared by what we do not know about society and the law, survival areas like food, clothing and housing. Once a scaredness gets loose in society mentally there is no saying what damage it can do. Likewise when a great joy is born in a group then we know it can cause great openness and happiness. We have to learn how to melt the sacredness and bring the momentary happiness into the real values of sharing time and energy and not trying to take advantage by being made happy or being negative when life and creativity does not work.

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